Margaret Middleton Margaret Middleton

Advocating for social justice work in museums

If you are looking to make change in your institution you will inevitably run into obstacles. I know firsthand how frustrating this can be and I made a planning tool to help you make your case.

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Margaret Middleton Margaret Middleton

Gender inclusive signage

Museum architecture can be confusing and museum fatigue is real. Well-designed wayfinding can ease frustration and make a museum visit much smoother. Wouldn't you rather spend your mental energy grappling with a new scientific concept or pondering the meaning of a work of art than struggle to find the café before it closes and your toddler has a meltdown?

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Margaret Middleton Margaret Middleton

Museums and content warnings

Content warnings are controversial for good reason. Done poorly, they moralize, stigmatize, and reinforce assumptions about the identity of the museum visitor. But trauma is real and it's fair to expect museums to try not to retraumatize people. Here are some guidelines I use for crafting and employing content warnings in museums.

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Margaret Middleton Margaret Middleton

Three “girls' toys” all children should be able to play with

Most of us who are concerned about the strict gendering of toys are in agreement: the way toys are designed and marketed is sexist and harmful to children. But all too often these discussions take a turn away from discussing the limitations this puts on children and start maligning toys meant for girls and upholding boy toys as somehow better.

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Margaret Middleton Margaret Middleton

Looking for Queer Possibility Zine

I created Looking for Queer Possibility in the Museum for Outburst Queer Arts Festival 2022. We debuted the publication at Queer Possibility at the Museum, an after-hours event I produced at the Ulster Museum in Belfast. In addition to serving as a launch for the booklet, the event featured three performances by local queer artists who used the zine to find queer inspiration in the museum.

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Margaret Middleton Margaret Middleton

One small way children’s museums can support trans kids

Anti-trans rhetoric is on the rise around the world. Specifically, across the United States there is legislation being introduced that seeks to eliminate access to education about LGBTQ topics through "critical race theory" bans and "don't say gay" bills, prevent trans youth from participating in school sports, and criminalize doctors and caregivers who provide gender-affirming care for transgender children.

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Margaret Middleton Margaret Middleton

Mock informational interview

I owe my career to the generosity of all the established professionals who gave me advice and helped me get connected in the museum field when I was getting started. Now emerging museums professionals reach out to me and I welcome the opportunity to pay it forward.

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